Kenya Kiambu - Mandela Estate Peaberry
Kenya Kiambu - Mandela Estate Peaberry
  $8.00 - 15.00
A top tier Kenya, citrus and brown sugar aromatics, Meyer lemon florals, orange juice, black currant, and cherimoy. Acidic impressions are like black tea with lemon juice, and blueberry skins.

Product has been discontinued.

Product Description

Citrus and dark sugar smells are discharged from the freshly ground coffee, a sweet smelling and fruited smelling Kenya in both of our roasts. The aroma is so sweet, like smelling a freshly opened box of brown sugar, and orange-type citrus smells come through too. I am struck by a floral accent note that accompanies a strong orange-to-lemon citrus flavor, and coming together they give an impression of the floral side of a Meyer lemon, or Valencia juicing oranges. A raw sugar sweetness really ramps up after the cup cools down a bit, and fruited flavors of black currant, golden raisin, and cherimoya help construct a complex cup profile. This is another 'tart' Kenya coffee, acidic impressions are like black tea with lemon juice, blueberry skins, and more. This description is from the cupping notes of our coffee importer, Sweet Maria's

Cupping Score: 91.4
Region: Kiambu
Grade: Peaberry
Appearance: .6 d/300 gr, 15 Peaberry screen
Importer: Sweet Maria's

Where This Coffee Is From


Flavor Notes for This Coffee



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