We recommend a variety of brewing methods based on your taste preferences. Every one of these brewing methods will result in an excellent cup of joe. Which method to choose? That all depends on your preferences. For those new to all these methods, we recommend you try the same coffee with two or more pieces of equipment. Compare and contrast; learn what you like and dislike.


How do you like your coffee?


a Thinner Cup

a Thicker Cup

Pour Over
Press Pot
Moka Pot



Brewing Instructions


Once you choose a piece of brewing equipment, how do you use it to get the most out of your Joe by Schmo beans? We've written instructions for each one of these methods below. Enjoy!


Vacuum Pot

Vacuum Pot produces a nice light cup of coffee. Besides this, it is a very entertaining brew method to watch. click here for brewing instructions


Pour Over

Pour over brewing, when done well, provides a nice clean cup of coffee with a light mouthfeel. click here for brewing instructions


Press Pot

Press Pot, or French Press, is a thicker or heavier cup of coffee. It bursts with flavor since all the oils from the extracting coffee grounds ends up in your cup. click here for brewing instructions


Moka Pot

The Moka Pot produces a thick cup of coffee, in many ways like an espresso. There is more sweetness and viscosity in moka and espresso than in other brewed coffees. click here for moka brewing instructions



Espresso is a deliciously thick cup of coffee. It's heaviness brings out elements of a coffee that are invisible in brewed coffee. There is more sweetness and viscosity in espresso than in other brewed coffees. click here for brewing instructions