Tim Schmoyer, roaster/owner

Who We Are

Joe By Schmo is a local roaster of specialty coffees. Our founder, Tim Schmoyer, has been roasting coffee for him and his friends for the past ten years. It suddenly hit him one day that he should do this for the community.


Specialty, Single-Origin Coffee

We only sell specialty coffee. There is a standardized method for grading and scoring coffee in the industry. Specialty coffee is a category of all coffees which score 80 points or above. Most of our coffees are 87+. We post all the scores for our coffees in the product description. Nearly everything we offer is single-origin, which means that the coffee is from one farm, one mill, one varietal, and one elevation. Our importers generally buy coffee direct from a farmer or cooperative by the lot. Sourcability is very transparent when we offer coffee this way. You can read about single-origin coffees here.


Roasted to Order

We focus on hand-selecting the top specialty coffees to roast by the order. Your order is a unique batch just for you, roasted after you order. Peak of flavor is 7-10 days after roast, so you'll be receiving your order the days leading into its very best aroma and sweetness. We roast small batches, half-pound and one-pound, so you'll be able to go through all your coffee during its best days. This resting time between roast and brew allows the beans to de-gas; during the roast there are chemical reactions which produce carbon dioxide gas to emit.


Your Best Brew

We encourage certain brewing methods to ensure you will enjoy your coffee to its fullest potential. Refer to our Brewing page for great guidelines on preparing your coffee. Experiencing everything that your batch of beans has to offer is a tremendously gratifying moment, so brew intentionally and you will unlock the coffee's potential.