Ethiopia Guji - Goro Bedessa
Ethiopia Guji - Goro Bedessa
  $9.00 - 17.00
Perfect for pour-over brewing, a light-and-bright coffee, with perfumed top notes that shine through in the cup. Simply syrup, jasmine pearl tea, dried rose, pink fruit gum, and hint of rue wrapped into a sweet finish.

Product has been discontinued.

Product Description

Goro Bedessa is a very nice example of a wet process Ethiopia Guji coffee, with refined sweetness, and a lingering floral characteristic that makes its mark in the cup. The dry fragrance is laced with an aromatic citrus note, transparent simple syrup sweetness, and delightful floral highlights. The wet aroma has perfumed sweetness that goes from dark honey to lightly caramelized sugars, and the floral aroma makes more of an impression at this stage, indicating a bit of star jasmine. The brew is delicious at City roast level, with crystalline sweetness that hints at simple syrup made with sugar in the raw. Fruited flavors are more accents than focus, but offers a floral side of Meyer lemon that also connects to the cup brightness as the coffee cools, and is mouth cleansing, but never grabby. But honestly, all that aside, 'floral' is the word I'm most likely to use when describing what's great about this coffee. The aroma is such a big part of the cup profile, delicate, and perfumed, notes of jasmine pearl tea, dried rose, pink fruit gum, as well as a hint of rue in the finish. This is perfect for pour-over brewing where the refined cup characteristics show so well. Full City roasts are not off limits, but are quite pungent, typical dark roast notes in a way, and it loses a lot of the nuance - hence the City to City+ roast recommendation. This description is from the cupping notes of our coffee importer, Sweet Maria's

Cupping Score: 92.6
Region: Guji
Grade: Grade 1
Appearance: .2 d/300gr, 15-17 Screen
Importer: Sweet Maria's
Elevation: 2,100 meters

Where This Coffee Is From


Flavor Notes for This Coffee



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