Ethiopia Guji - Hambela Dabaye
  $9.00 - 16.00
Impressive sweetness, demurara sugar, cream soda, mild fruited accents of nectarine and lemon, and a touch of clove in aroma. Peach-like acidity helps build out the fruited impressions.

Product has been discontinued.

Product Description

Delicious and somewhat delicate, this wet-processed lot from Hambela packs impressive sweetness and body, with top notes that are mildly present. The dry fragrance has raw sugar complexity, a note of vanilla, five spice and muted hints of dried fruits. The wetted grounds extend an aroma that is peach-like, along with some of that vanilla, a creamy sweetness that lends to a flavor that recalls peaches and cream. In the hot cup, the sweet flavors are like demurara sugar (unrefined cane sugar with molasses intact) and cream soda, along with a subtle bittering coffee tone underneath and dried stone fruit hint accenting the finish. As the coffee cools down some, I pick up on more specific flavor notes like nectarine, lemon squares, clove in the aroma and acidic impression that's a lot like peach. I don't want to overpromise here with the fruit. For me, all these characteristics are present, but in smaller amount (other than sweetness) than some of our more overtly fruited, washed Ethiopias. But anice fruited quality does manage to come through and is well integrated into the coffee's sweetness. This description is from the cupping notes of our coffee importer, Sweet Maria's

Cupping Score: 90.9
Region: Guji
Grade: Grade 1
Appearance: .2 d/300gr, 15+ Screen
Importer: Sweet Maria's
Elevation: 1,880 - 2,100 meters above sea level

Where This Coffee Is From


Flavor Notes for This Coffee



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