Ethiopia Agaro - Kenisa
  $8.50 - 15.00
Syrupy sweetness and texture, the cup fades to herbal rue and tropical fruit aromatics, mango and orange marmalade, a soft floral highlight.

Product has been discontinued.

Product Description

If you're looking to capture the more fruited, bright side Kenisa offers at the lighter end of the roast spectrum, try pulling it as soon as 1st crack starts to slow. I encountered quite a few latent 'snaps' at the end of 1st crack causing me to miss the mark on my first light roast attempt. Second time around, I pulled 1:20 after the first audible snaps and the roast was a perfect City roast level (for me, at least!). The fragrance and aroma at City and City+ have a subtle smell of dried peach, brown sugar and a light herbal note. The fruited flavors in the cup are more potent than the aromatic profile and are integrated into a compact, sweet brew. The cup fades to herbal rue and tropical fruit aromatics, mango and orange marmalade hints and a soft floral highlight. Light roasts are the brightest and also produce the delicate aromatics that are unique to Ethiopian coffees. But even at Full City, Kenisa manages to produce a fruited underlayer amidst the bittersweet roast tone, as well as syrupy texture and sweetness. This description is from the cupping notes of our coffee importer, Sweet Maria's

Cupping Score: 90
Region: Agaro
Grade: Grade 1
Appearance: .4 d/300gr, 15+ screen
Importer: Sweet Maria's

Where This Coffee Is From


Flavor Notes for This Coffee



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